Godana Arero
Adama Hospital medical College, Ethiopia.
Title: Magnitude of Anemia and associated factors among Pregnant Women attending ANC at Yabellow General Hospital, South Borena Pastoralist Zone, Oromia regional State
Biography: Godana Arero
Background: Anemia is a global public health problem that affects the population of both developed and developing countries. Globally, 289,000 women died, among which developing countries account for 286 000 maternal deaths. The aim of this study was to assess the magnitude and predictors of anemia among pregnant women.
Method and material: A hospital-based cross-sectional study design was employed. A total of 265 pregnant women attending antenatal care at Yabello general hospital from June 17-August 16 2019 were involved. Socio-demographic, maternal nutrition, information, and obstetric and medical characteristics were assessed. Hemoglobin value, stool examination, HIV, and syphilis test results were collected from their regular laboratory tests. Blood film was conducted for pregnant women who had signs and symptoms and whose hemoglobin value was less than the established cut of values and data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 software.
Results: the overall magnitude of anemia among pregnant women with a median hemoglobin value of 11.10g/dl ± 1.66 (range: 6.4-13.8g/dl), was 27.2 %, of which the majority of 46(63.9%) pregnant women were mildly anemic, the rest 24(33.3%) and 2(2.8%) were respectively moderately and severely anemic. Pregnant women who were urban dwellers (AOR, 95% CI: .18(.05-.64)), abortion before the occurrence of current pregnancy (AOR, 95% CI: 3.08(1.17-8.13)), coffee/tea drinking immediately after a meal (AOR, 95% CI: 4.39(1.82-10.59)), excessive menstrual bleeding than the usual before the occurrence of current pregnancy (AOR, 95% CI: 3.39(1.47-7.84)) and mid-upper arm circumference less than 23cm (AOR, 95% CI: 6.27(1.15-14.30)) were found to be independent predictors of anemia among pregnant women.
Conclusion the proportion that was found in this study is considered a moderate public health problem. In this study, some factors were found to be non-predictors of anemia among pregnant women, but they were found to be independent predictors of anemia among pregnant women in other prior related studies.